Minimum Intervention, Maximum Effect®



Irini Christaki, clinical dietician-nutritionist, reveals how she lost her pregnancy weight

After 9 months of pregnancy and after the birth of a healthy baby, most women are concerned about how they'll lose the 'baby weight.' At the same time, they want to make sure that their weight loss is done in the right way, that is, losing fat and not muscle mass or fluids. SYMMETRIA's clinical dietitian-nutritionist Irini Christaki shares with us her method of getting back in shape after pregnancy.

"I put my trust in the NMS (Neuromuscular Stimulatormethod just a few weeks after the birth of my daughter, and managed to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight and body fat percentage quickly. The result was impressive, as I thought that I would have to make a huge effort to bring my body back to its pre-baby shape. The NMS technology strengthens muscle contractions and increases fat burning. At the same time, it strengthens muscle tone and contributes to the increase in metabolic rate in the hours following the treatment.

Each treatment session was fruitful, especially when combined with Hypoxi treatment and a diet plan, as this is an innovative technology for muscle strengthening in the abdominal area when there is resistance to diet and exercise. Stimulation of motor neurons causes muscle contraction, which improves muscle tone, boosts metabolism both short-term and long-term, and improves body posture."

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