Injectable Mesotherapy
Injectable Mesotherapy
All protocols are customizable. Costs vary according to the tailormade needs of each patient.
Injectable Mesotherapy is an ideal protocol if you suffer from stubborn fat, cellulite, aging skin, or hair loss. The procedure enables a bespoke combination of powerful vitamins, minerals, and hyaluronic acid to be injected into the lower layers of your skin.
Injectable Mesotherapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses microinjections of active ingredients that target stubborn fat, cellulite aging skin, or hair loss to contour, tighten and rejuvenate the skin. The doctor chooses the composition of key ingredients to be used, depending on the needs of each individual. Using a personalized blend of nutrients, combined with cutting-edge micro-needling technology, Injectable Mesotherapy Protocol helps to trigger the production of new collagen, improve circulation, dissolve fat cells and renew skin cells.